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(2 edits) (+1)

Great game, but after around the 15-20 mark the game just stops getting harder. It could introduce some more prompts at that point, maybe even introduce that one complicated part near the end of the Rhythm Hell video

Edit: After a score of 70, I actually got a new polyrhythm I hadn't seen before! Basically, there's a triplet lasting a half-note composed of a quarter-rest then two eighth-notes then a quarter rest, then a quintuplet lasting a half-note composed of an eighth-rest and four eighth-notes.


Agreed – the game is great, just that difficulty levels off once you get to the countdown phase. The timer being always 5 seconds means it's too easy to keep playing indefinitely, and high scores are more about endurance than overcoming a gradually harder challenge. Rhythm Heaven has endless games where the tempo stops being random past a certain point, instead increasing at a steady rate until you can't keep up. 


Wonderful concept. Adapting the video into a fully fledged rhythm heaven minigame is outstanding and I applaud you. Shaking gameplay up by removing sound cues was a great idea. However, this is as much as I can say about it. The execution is flawed, very much so. Input delay is terrible and while slower sections make it bearable, faster ones make it much apparent how bad it is. The rhythm bar drainage system isn't made fairly, as no matter the tempo, it drains all the same speed. I would love to see this updated so it can reach full potential. 


I suggest a few things. Fullscreen mode. 

Make it so that the player cannot input while the cowbell plays.


and make it so that the rhythm bar doesnt drain while the cowbell is playing


this way, its the failure of the player that made them lose, not the inability to do anything


You can press alt + enter for fullscreen mode

Deleted post

great!!! would love the option to tweak the input lag, it's pretty difficult to learn around it but fun anyway!


tbh no audio cues is incredibly annoying


wait till this guy hears about lockstep

lockstep isnt hard compared to other minigames

just watched the video, ngl kinda seems okay after you get the basic rhythm down

very very fun!! the no audio cues part was pretty hard, but i got a 15 highscore so pretty happy! also this managed to capture the exact vibe of the video so very cool!! 10/10 would ta tata tarata again

can somebody give a quick terminal tutorial cuz im strugglingg it keeps saying no such file or director

replace "path/to/app" with the actual path of the app

Love that this was converted to a game. :) Got to 15!


First Rhythm Heaven, and now this? What's next, Rhythm Purgatory?


:) Thanks for the idea

uhhh hmmmmm

Aw, is the web version gone? It actually worked perfectly for me, very in-sync. I was enjoying it.

(1 edit)

Yeah just saw that too, too bad (knowing the Mac version doesn't work for me)


input delay is a problem and the game lacks any sort of calibration. feels off to play

Deleted 282 days ago

What audio sync? The player’s audio cues aren’t automatically synced to the “conductor’s” cues, so if the player doesn’t have perfect rhythm, then the entire experience sounds weird, but overall, the beats did sync up to the music. At least the timing windows are wide enough to make up for the hell.

Deleted 282 days ago

I like how you made it a game instead of a video


Great game, but I had to find my technique to guessing when the notes start playing.


very fun, got to 16 but the input lag is kinda iffy, hopefully gets updated soon to include offsetting

cool game :) never saw a rhytmn game with a life drain, pretty brutual for no rhytmn chumps like me.


fun in concept, but gets unfairly hard very quickly at higher speeds due to not having a way to calibrate input delay.


Hard, but very good game


got 22 on my third try, this game is lowkey teaching me how to read music sheets

(1 edit) (+2)

It's so awesome to finally see this animation by Louie Zong become playable! I got all the way to 16, the polyrhythms messed me up quite a bit. Btw, you're evil for getting rid of the sound cues at a certain point and for making me have to basically sight read

I... I can't seem to download the game? Is something going on?

Okay, never mind, It was just my internet connection. Now that I have it downloaded, it's a great game. Horrible for my stress levels, but a great game


its finally a real game! 

my finger hurts but 10/10


(2 edits)

got 17. cool game lol


As someone who can't read rhythm notation, I would appreciate an option of sound only cues, no notation (maybe unlocked if you lose at 12?), since that's basically how I was playing anyway. Still great fun besides that, though.

ya I would like a way to toggle it off too


Nice!!! I def agree that the life drain is brutal on the later slower section but skill issue i guess! Downloading it definitely helped, I got 12 then downloaded it and got 19 on my next try

loved the postprocessing effect thing at low life, made the game really stressful & i spent like half the time there. especially stressful on the really slow sections cause you have to get everything perfect to stay alive

There really is no way to escape that low life section once you get to around a score of 20, you just have to keep clapping after then

Good game :3


12 seems to be my limit, lol. Life drain speed could be proportional to the tempo, otherwise it becomes insurmountable at slower tempos. Power drain could be paused during the cue-read phases too, otherwise you end up in situations where your power just drains to zero while you're unable to input anything.

I keep playing it, it is fun and it IS hell. I've learned I'm good at keeping tempo with quintets and okay with nonets, but heptads cause suffering


pretty ass ngl

got 23, input delay was kinda a lot so it made timing pretty hard and life drain in the slow part is super severe but still pretty fun


Made it to 20: natural life drain at higher levels during slower tempos is more than you can recover so you're basically forced to perfect from then on.


Update: Got to 47, only lost because there was actually 5 whole seconds without notes in the 60bpm section (one section ended on beat 4, next section started on triplet pickup to beat 2) so I lost without being able to do anything


suffering. 10/10

the music loads late and becomes out-of-tempo with the claps :(

Also Linux version pleas, k thx bi!


for the love of god help m


Could you all make a game that's like 20 of these? Pretty please? 


maybe they could call it rhythm heaven or something


Love this game!! It's really fun to play and It helps with sight reading (rhythms) >:D 👍

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